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OYO commits $10 million to G6 Hospitality’s digital upgrade

The investment funds campaigns to reach ‘high-intent’ customers

OYO invests $10M to enhance G6 Hospitality’s digital platform, improving website, app, and direct bookings for better guest experience
OYO aims to invest $10 million to upgrade G6 Hospitality’s digital assets, targeting a quadruple increase in apps before summer through advanced marketing and partnerships with Google and Microsoft.

OYO’s $10M Investment to Enhance G6 Hospitality’s Digital Growth

HOSPITALITY TECHNOLOGY FIRM OYO aims to invest $10 million to enhance G6 Hospitality’s digital assets, including its website and app, targeting a quadruple increase in apps before summer. The company will use digital targeting, focusing on high-intent customers through direct partnerships with Google and Microsoft.

The investment will fund data-driven digital campaigns to reach customers actively searching for accommodations with an aim toward boosting booking conversions and franchise partner value, G6 Hospitality said in a statement.

"By concentrating our resources on users most likely to convert, we're optimizing our marketing spend and delivering more value to our franchise partners,” said Shashank Jain, G6 Hospitality’s head of online revenue. "The investment underscores G6's commitment to supporting its franchise network by driving direct bookings and reducing dependency on third-party platforms.”

OYO, which acquired G6 Hospitality from Blackstone Real Estate for $525 million, plans to add more than 150 Motel 6 and Studio 6 hotels in 2025, strengthening its presence in Texas, California, Georgia and Arizona while preserving brand identity. G6 Hospitality also partnered with HotelKey to upgrade technology across its U.S. and Canada properties.

Meanwhile, OYO launched “Pay at Hotel” feature at more than 400 properties in 35 states, letting guests pay at check-in. The feature will only be available at OYO properties.

OYO plans to invest $62 million over three years to expand its UK premium hotel portfolio.

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ટ્રમ્પે કોંગ્રેસ સમક્ષ તેમની યોજના રજૂ કરી

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Kevin Carey speaking at AHLA Foundation’s 2025 Night of a Thousand Stars fundraiser event.
Photo credit: American Hotel & Lodging Association

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KEVIN CAREY, CHIEF operating officer and senior vice president of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, is now president and CEO of AHLA Foundation. He will remain AHLA’s chief operating officer while succeeding Anna Blue, who announced her departure in February after two years.

The announcement follows the Foundation’s Night of a Thousand Stars fundraiser, which gathered more than 400 industry leaders and raised more than $1 million for its initiatives, AHLA said in a statement.

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