STR: U.S. hotels see 4 percent RevPAR increase in New Year week

THE NEW YEAR started on a positive note for U.S. hotels, according to STR. RevPAR went up 4 percent to $136.46 during the week of...

Hotstats: U.S. hotels see GOPPAR rise of 6.1 percent in November

AFTER A NEGATIVE profit turn in October, U.S hotels saw robust growth with a GOPPAR increase of 6.1 percent in November over last year,...

Hotel stock index closes 2019 up 29.5 percent

AS 2019 CAME to an end, the Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index jumped 6.1 percent to 5,270, leading to a total 29.5 percent increase in...

HVS: Hospitality growth in 2020 stable, but caution is urged

THE U.S. HOSPITALITY industry is likely to continue hitting its peak through 2020, though some economic uncertainty remains, according to a report from lodging...