Air travel hassles

USTA: Air travel hassles impose billions in costs on U.S. economy

AIR TRAVEL HASSLES lead fliers to skip an average of two trips annually, which will result in 27 million avoided trips and a $71...
U.S. business travel bleisure trips 2024

Study: Every $1 spent on business travel returns $1.15 to U.S. economy

THE BUSINESS TRAVEL resurgence in the U.S. significantly impacted the economy in 2022, with every $1 spent returning $1.15 to the U.S. GDP, according...

Report: Americans take fewest vacation days globally

APPROXIMATELY 53 PERCENT of Americans plan not to use all their vacation time this year, despite receiving 12 days annually, the fewest of any...
American travelers preferences 2024

Survey: Around 80 percent of U.S. travelers prefer automated hotel technology

APPROXIMATELY THREE OUT of four travelers agree that Americans are prioritizing travel more in 2024 and prefer a digital, self-service experience for their hotel...

AAA: Nearly 71 million Americans expected to travel during Independence Day week

APPROXIMATELY 70.9 MILLION U.S. travelers are expected to journey 50 miles or more from home over the Independence Day holiday, according to the latest...

પ્રવાસીઓ 2024માં મુસાફરી ખર્ચ જાળવી રાખશે અથવા વધારશે

અમેરિકન એક્સપ્રેસ ટ્રાવેલના "2024 ગ્લોબલ ટ્રાવેલ ટ્રેન્ડ્સ રિપોર્ટ" અનુસાર, પ્રવાસીઓ 2024માં તેમના પ્રવાસ ખર્ચને પાછલા વર્ષની સરખામણીમાં જાળવી રાખશે અથવા વધારશે તેવો અંદાજ છે....

AAA: 50.7 million Americans to travel during Independence Day weekend

AAA TRAVEL forecasted that a record-breaking 50.7 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home this Independence Day weekend. Domestic...
AAHOA Bookit N Go Partnership

AAHOA partners with Bookit N Go for online booking

AAHOA RECENTLY CHOSE Bookit N Go, a travel tech startup, as its strategic booking partner. The company, led by Aman Mohindra as CEO, will...

115.2 મિલિયન અમેરિકનો રજાઓ દરમિયાન મુસાફરી કરે તેવી શક્યતાઃ AAA

AAA અનુસાર, 10-દિવસના વર્ષના અંતે રજાના પ્રવાસ સમયગાળા દરમિયાન આશરે 115.2 મિલિયન પ્રવાસીઓ ઘરેથી 50 માઇલ અથવા તેથી વધુનું કવર કરે તેવી અપેક્ષા છે....

Study: 75 percent of Americans plan summer road trips despite inflation pressures

APPROXIMATELY 75 PERCENT of Americans plan to take road trips this summer, with about 33 percent intending to travel more than 250 miles from...