Paramhans Desai

Samaj Saves Lives ambassador speaks at fallen policeman’s funeral

HENRY COUNTY, GEORGIA, Police Officer Paramhans Desai gave his life in the line of duty. In his case, he continued giving even after his...

Report: U.S. extended-stay hotels saw all-time highs in third quarter

EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS in the U.S. had a very strong third quarter as performance across several metrics set all-time highs, especially for economy and mid-price...

Survey: Travelers are less concerned for safety from pandemic

AS COVID-19 FEARS subside, travelers are significantly less concerned about safety during travel, driving a significant rebound in travel activity, according to a survey...

કેલિફોર્નિયાના હોટેલિયરે અફઘાની પરિવારને તેમની દિકરી માટે મદદ કરી

સુનિલ તોલાની અમેરિકા સ્થિત અફઘાનિસ્તાના શરણાર્થીઓ માટેના ટેન્ટ ગઠબંધન સાથે પણ જોડાયા છે, જેથી તેઓ આ શરણાર્થીઓને પોતાની કંપની પ્રિન્સ ઓર્ગેનાઇઝેશમાં નોકરી આપી શકે. એક...

Hotels should get ready for the return of corporate travel

Editor’s note: This is a submitted article by Tammy Gillis, CEO of Gillis Sales. It has been lightly edited for style. While we don’t...

California hotelier helps Afghan family keep their daughter

THERE WAS A family in need, and California hotelier Sunil “Sunny” Tolani could not stand by and idly watch. So, he took action, even...

Report: Economy and mid-price extended-stay hotels lead recovery in September

MOST ECONOMY AND MID-PRICE extended-stay hotels’ performance in September was down compared to August, according to a report from hotel investment advisors The Highland...

Hotel and travel associations welcome infrastructure bill, with caveat

HOTEL AND TRAVEL associations welcomed the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill by the House of Representatives over the weekend, saying the measure is...

Baird/STR index rose 6.8 percent in October

A CONTINUING SENSE of optimism about the nation’s recovery among investors sent the Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index up in October. Hotel brands led the...

STR, TE predict ADR for U.S. hotels to be near full recovery this year

THE U.S. HOTEL industry is on track to full recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to STR latest industry forecast. Progress may be uneven,...