AHLA launches Responsible Stay to promote environmental sustainability

Asian American owned companies support initiative to work toward priorities in energy, water, waste and sourcing

Responsible Stay initiative
The American Hotel & Lodging Association has launched the “Responsible Stay” program to strengthen environmental programs, education and resources.

THE AMERICAN HOTEL & Lodging Association has launched Responsible Stay, an industry initiative to make meetings, events and guest experiences in U.S. hotels more environmentally and socially responsible. AHLA contends that the initiative is meant to unite major hotel companies, including at least two Asian American-owned companies, around sustainability priorities.

Responsible Stay is focused on four areas:

Energy efficiency: Optimizing energy efficiency through operational improvements and adoption of clean energy technologies

Waste reduction: Investing in waste reduction programs and new, innovative alternatives to reduce, reuse and recycle waste across properties

Water conservation: Ensuring the reduction of water usage by implementing water-efficient practices in core areas like laundry, food and beverage, and landscaping

Responsible sourcing practices: Sourcing responsibly and prioritizing sustainability in supply chains to prevent harmful environmental and social impacts

Under the initiative, AHLA and its members will strengthen environmental programs, education and resources to provide a “responsible stay” for guests, protect the future of the planet and support communities across the country, the statement added.

“The hotel industry has shown a longstanding commitment to sustainability, and many of our member companies have been on the leading edge of these efforts. We’re thrilled that the industry is committed to this critical issue that will shape how we travel for years to come,” said Chip Rogers, AHLA president and CEO. “The launch of Responsible Stay is the next step of our industry’s sustainability journey, and we are uniting as an industry to provide a responsible stay for our employees, guests, communities and our planet.”

Two large Asian American owned companies, Noble Investment Group in Atlanta and Vision Hospitality Group in Chattanooga, Tennessee, announced their participation in Responsible Stay.

“The name Noble was born out of the ethos of our commitment to responsible standards of operating and investing. We are proud that our diverse team continues to be stewards of these endeavors throughout the travel and hospitality industry, and we are excited to support AHLA’s Responsible Stay and its priorities of water conservation, waste reduction, energy efficiency and responsible sourcing,” said Mit Shah, Noble’s founder and CEO. “Through the design, development and redevelopment of our assets, Noble is committed to incorporating sustainable practices and pursuing energy efficiencies to produce more profitable and beneficial business results.”

“In the U.S. alone, there are over 130,000 hotels and motels. As part of this rich fabric that is the hospitality industry, Vision Hospitality Group recognizes that we have a chance to make a major impact on the sustainability of our planet. When you consider our total usage in water, electricity and food, we have the ability to truly come together for real change,” said Mitch Patel, Vision’s president and CEO. “Vision Hospitality Group is proud to support the AHLA’s Responsible Stay initiative, adding our voice to our friends in the industry as we come together to ensure a bright, clean future for the next generation of hoteliers and guests.”

Responsible Stay builds on the following on-going initiatives by AHLA.

  • AHLA’s Sustainability Committee, comprised of industry leaders, communicates, educates and advocates on behalf of the lodging industry to showcase environmental efforts and elevates environmental sustainability and resilience
  • AHLA’s new partnership with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance works to amplify, collaborate on and support hospitality sustainability programs and solutions;
  • AHLA’s long-standing partnership with the World Wildlife Fund and the Hotel Kitchen program, which uses innovative strategies to engage staff, partners and guests in curbing food waste from hotel kitchens;
  • AHLA’s partnership with the Department of Energy Better Buildings Initiative highlights energy efficiency and drives leadership in energy innovation in the hospitality sector by accelerating investment and sharing successful best practices;
  • AHLA’s newly-formed research initiative with GreenView helps quantify and benchmark sustainability practices across the hotel industry in the United States, which will allow for better insights, best-practice development and sustainability progress tracking over time.

Last month, AHLA and the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals Association announced a 10-year agreement to jointly produce the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry,