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AAHOA, U.S. presidential candidate Ramaswamy discuss industry concerns

Ramaswamy shares AAHOA's grasp of the American Dream

AAHOA, U.S. presidential candidate Ramaswamy discuss industry concerns

U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Vivek Ramaswamy and AAHOA chairman Bharat Patel have delved into hospitality industry issues at the inaugural AAHOA 2024 Presidential Candidate Forum. The virtual forum allowed AAHOA members and viewers to hear directly from Ramaswamy about his policy priorities, his vision for the future of America and the role of Asian Americans in the hospitality industry, AAHOA said in a statement.

"Ramaswamy’s choice to directly engage with AAHOA Members highlights our industry's vital contribution to the nation’s economy," said Bharat Patel, AAHOA chairman. "It was an honor to meet with him on behalf of AAHOA members. It's promising to witness a presidential candidate acknowledging the substantial influence that AAHOA members exert both as everyday citizens and as dynamic entrepreneurs and small business proprietors driving the hospitality industry of this great nation.'"

Ramaswamy shared how his parents, Indian immigrants, worked diligently to realize the American dream—a path akin to that of AAHOA chairman and many other AAHOA members. He also discussed raising his sons in Ohio and expressed his aspiration to offer them the same support his parents gave him.

"I'm delighted we had the chance to meet with Ramaswamy and learn about his vision for the future," said Laura Lee Blake, AAHOA president and CEO. "Being the youngest candidate and an emerging figure in the U.S. presidential race, his dedication to our industry and his participation in the AAHOA forum are truly commendable. They signal a sincere interest in cultivating lasting relationships with our members."

Meanwhile, Blake recently participated in Asian Hospitality’s Leadership Series, addressing key concerns for the association, which includes championing franchise reform, implementing initiatives for women's progress in the hotel industry, and outlining her future endeavors within AAHOA.

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